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It’s Been a Year

01 Jul 2011 . category: Eddie . Comments
#Eddie #death #mourning

Has it really been a year, my dear old friend? Has it been a year since I last saw your face? Has it really been a year since I saw your smile? I will never forget you, my brother. You hang above my computer, where I spend most of my time. You are always in my heart, where I do most of my thinking. I think of you constantly, the times we had, driving no where. I think of the times I didn’t spend with you. I think of how we lost connection with each other. I think of how I should of spent your last days with you. I think of how I should have been there more. I think of how I should have driven to see you more. I think of how you saved my life. When no one else would listen, you would. When everyone else left, you didn’t. I think of how when we changed the world, every one else scoffed at us but we didn’t budge. I think of no matter how weak I felt, you were the to give me support. I think of when I cried, you were there right next to me. I think of how if just some how if I died, you could still be alive, I would do it. Your love, your kindness changed the world. Your smile broke the hardest of hearts. Your wisdom was so far beyond mine, I still can’t fathom it. You touched so many hearts, without saying a single word. You saved so many lives just by living. You did what so many people thought was impossible. You were the one that any one could count on. You were the one that people could always trust. No matter what, I will always think of you. No matter what, I will always love you. No matter what, I will never forget you.

Edison Scott Ibarra, You are my greatest friend I will ever have. You are the one who was always there for me. You are the one who was always there for everyone. You are the greatest person I have ever come into contact with. You are the one that I never had to doubt. You are the one who kept me alive, no matter what. You were the one who made me feel alive in this world, when it all came crashing down. You are the one who came to help piece it all back together no matter how crappy I treated you. You are the one who loved everyone around you. You are the one who treated everyone equally. Your silence spoke the greatest depths that almost any preacher could never touch. Your life was a greater achievement than anything I can EVER accomplish. Your life was so profound and powerful that I am ashamed of my own. Your life made the best of what life is. My Legendary to my Christ Punk. L.C.P. — Never give up. Never surrender. Never die. Always love. Always forgive and forget. Always follow He who paved the way. Love forever and always, Jake “Christ Punk” Kromer


Jake Kromer is an awesome person. He lives in Arizona, where he works on Tech.